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樓主: OK1MPX
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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-5-20 14:23
  • 簽到天數: 2 天


    發表於 2021-7-29 11:29:01 | 顯示全部樓層
    本帖最後由 台北沒屋頂 於 2021-7-29 12:17 編輯

    Hi, OK1MPX, the OM from Czech

    Thank your government to send Taiwan 30K doses of covid-19 vaccine.

    It seems you are a foreigner stayed in Taiwan, and can not find the way to CQ. As a Ham operator even out of our country, we are eager to be on air everywhere. I also had the problem when I studied in Europe. At that time, every time I went to the town I searched the “roof with the big HF antenna”then drop my QSL  card in postbox with my phone No” , and finally got the response. After that ,in several weekend I operated the OM’s rig with my BV callsign to have lots of happy Qso and knew lots of local OMs.

    I just called the Taiwan government department to supervise radio(NCC), and they told me that a foreigner can exam to get the Taiwan amatuer license to setup and operate radio in Taiwan. But ”trickily” all the tests are in “Chinese”, no one in English. So………  

    Another way is to operate with a Taiwan ham operator (or club) under his call sign,but you need to apply through CTARL (a Taiwan radio club) in advance, and the validity of license is 6 months. You already knew lots of OM in Taiwan,and you can ask them to help you to apply that.

    Hope these can help you. 73!

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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-5-20 14:23
  • 簽到天數: 2 天


    發表於 2021-7-29 13:28:18 | 顯示全部樓層
    本帖最後由 台北沒屋頂 於 2021-7-29 13:41 編輯

    Nothing to worry about NCC things! They just want to control everything, but control nothing.

    One day when you come back, you can apply again the license and on air in Taiwan.

    If not, when home you can beam your antenna to Taiwan, then increase your watts and CQ Taiwan. On 40 meters band 7.060 lsb, you can get a lots of Taiwan station. Or you also can operate VHF/UHF relayed on internet.

    Moreover through internet, you can contact Taiwan OMs on TRC( this group club),line,facebook.....
    The amateur radio friendship is always there,no matter how far it is.

    Hope you have nice travel.  Bon Voyage!
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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-5-20 14:23
  • 簽到天數: 2 天


    發表於 2021-8-5 09:31:49 | 顯示全部樓層
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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-5-20 14:23
  • 簽到天數: 2 天


    發表於 2021-8-17 10:30:30 | 顯示全部樓層
    本帖最後由 台北沒屋頂 於 2021-8-17 23:02 編輯


    80m band is not popular in Taiwan. On HF 40m/20m/15m/10m is better, especially 40m and 20m.
    Most of Taiwan OMs cannot own the big roof or terrace to set big antenna, and they intend to set multiband to save space.

    6m band is a magic band and popular in Taiwan, but it's more difficult than HF for Taiwan from your home.

    2m and 70cm band is used by a lot of OMs and non-licensed  users,but the same condition as 6m(more difficult than HF). I knew a lot of Taiwan OMs on 2m and 70 cm use the hybrid mode combining the voice and internet, and can CQ to the world. I am not familiar with that, and cannot tell you more.

    I suggest you set the ant of 40m or 20m(or two), and announce in this forum(or Line, other forum...,etc) the time and  frequency you will be on air. There will be some Taiwan OMs waiting for your call. Especially when the world contest, those Taiwan OMs good at CW or SSB with "big gun and watts" will show up on 20m.


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