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本帖最後由 WSUgocouars 於 2011-12-13 23:38 編輯
larrylai 發表於 2011-12-13 22:52
能否請前輩告知一下ICOM IC-W32E要如何開中繼?謝謝!
From Internet -- Mods for the IC-W32E tranciver by SM6VIT Rickard. 970703 .... 我稍為修一下錯字.
Cross-band repeater function is possible on the IC-W32E but it dosent work on my radio. It depends on which CPU you have. But you could always try it.
這作者提到此異頻中繼設定方式不一定適用在每個版本. 你可以試看看, 但會跟哪一種CPU在機器內有關.
1. Set VHF and UHF FQs, turn tone squelch on -- 把要用的頻段和頻率及要用的TONE設好
2. turn lock function on -- 把 LOCK 功能啟動
3. turn off the tranciver -- 關機
4. push [SQL], [MAIN] and [BAND] keys and turn power on --- 同時按[SQL], [MAIN] and [BAND] 鍵開機