TA的每日心情![](source/plugin/dsu_paulsign/img/1/fd.gif) | 奮鬥 2012-3-25 15:59 |
簽到天數: 28 天 [LV.4]偶爾看看III
以下是預計日本學生要詢問太空人的問題: (第二個問題還問到了外星人呢 )
1. What do you do on a holiday in the ISS?
2. If friendly aliens tried contact to the ISS, have you some action them?
3. Are there several rooms in the ISS?
4. What do you do first at time when you returned to the earth?
5. What is it to have thought that it was good that you come to the space?
6. What is the motive that you were going to become an astronaut?
7. When you sleep in ISS, what would you do?
8. Can you take a bath in the ISS?
9. How many friends did of you increase since you became an astronaut?
10. The outer space is weightless, but is there the magnetic force?
11. Don't you get tired only with space foods for months?
12. I heard that you cultivated a morning glory before in space, but raise
any plant now?
13. You are in the space, and what is it to be fun?
14. Does it rain in the outer space?
15. How does it show the thunder from the space? Please let me know.
16. The earth has heard that it is a model like a pumpkin not a complete
globe, but can confirm it from the space?
17. What is your mission at the space station?
18. Which do you like, solar eclipse or moon eclipse?
19. How long do you sleep every day?
20. What is the surprise thing did you surprise in space?
21. What is a figure of the most impressive earth which you watched in space?
22. Can you see the ground building from the space? What were you able to
ISS 太空站 2012-4-14 週六 中原時 17:15 與日本童軍電台 JQ1YWJ 通話 台灣可聽
E-mail list中原文的節錄:
An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact has been
scheduled for Troop 2nd & 3rd Iruma Group, Saitama Scout Council Scout
Association of Japan, Iruma, Japan, on Saturday, April 14 at 09:15 UTC. The
Scouts have a ham radio club, JQ1YWJ and will learn about space through this
頻率: 145.800Mhz
模式: FM
2012/4/14 周六 17:15至17:21左右
這次pass ISS高達 80度以上的仰角,將會從西南方升起 17:17時到達最高仰角 (幾乎是天頂) 再從東北方落下。
73 de BX2AI |