Preregistration Form/事先登錄表 ︰
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1、This test session in Taiwan is held by ARRL VEC team. Candidates please complete the preregistration from and send to contact person: BV2DQ with SASE (NTD$5 stamp) to the address listed below. (registration due April/30/2012)
此考試是ARRL VEC TEAM 在台灣辦理 ARRL/VEC 測試,有意報考考生、請填寫「事先登録表格」附上回郵信封(貼5元郵票)寄到以下在台連絡人通訊地址。 (受理期間:即日起至民國 101 年 4 月30日)
2、Candiates holding valid FCC license or CSCE please send photocopies along with your preregistration form. Please also bring your license or CSCE on test day. The VEC team will send confirmation/NCVEV form 605 to those candidates completed the preregistration.
Please be advised, walk-in candidates might be refused to join the test session, depending on seats limitation.
如果持有有效 FCC 執照或有效及格証明人士,報名時請附上執照或証明影本一張。主辦單位將會寄發測試登録票及NCVEC
form 605 給事先登録的考生。請注意、没有填寫「事先登録表格」的考生,當天至會場報名者,有可能被拒絶測試
3、Prerequisites for candidates
(1)、 mailing address in U.S.
(2)、 FRN from FCC (candidates can apply FRN on )
Please apply FRN before coming to the test session to facilitate the process.
For candidates never apply FRN before, if possible, please include your FRN when you send your preregistration from.
②先取得 FCC 發給的「FRN(FCC Registration Number)申請 FRN 網址 :
Staffs in the test session are accredited by ARRL VEC, and are deemed volunteers .
The authority of this test session has no relationship between the groups/companies or providers of the location which those volunteers belong to.
此次考場監考官是 ARRL VEC 認定的考官,視為義工,與其所屬的團體、公司、及提供考場所有者都與本次測試單位無關。
Question pool and reference can be downloaded from links listed below Candidates for Technician Class please notice that the new question pool will be used for test sessions after Jul/01/2010 Candidates can download either one (PDF, DOC, or TXT) from the question pool website.